

What’s so different about anthropologists doing user research?

– – – – TL;DR – – – – – – – – – – – – While other disciplines in the humanities study humans as individuals, anthropology studies humans in relation to other humans (and non-humans). They do this through ethnographic methods.Anthropologists recognise that technologies are always intrinsically linked…

Problematic UX research: analysing, reporting and presenting

A while ago I wrote about what I've come to think as the "many pitfalls of UX, an industry eager to illuminate and provide bright and clamant insights into the world of ‘users’." There, I've touched on some of the problems that arise from the recruitment phase of a research…

Anticipating user experience? Approaches to study the future

How can ethnography which allows us to study human knowledge and practices in situated ways, be applied to the study of what is not current but lies ahead of us? Is it suited at all to help in such an endeavour? In this blog post I want to argue not…

Presenting my work ‘Technology in a share home’ at 4SSydney 2018!

I will participate in this year's Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Conference in Sydney (4SSydney) this August. I'll be sharing and discussing my work Technology in a shared home as part of this year’s Making and Doing session. 4S is a an international society that brings together researchers and…

Experiencing the reterritorialized city: Instagram Stories

A lot has been written about the meaning of the local in the context of a "globalised" world. When I first became interested in what the role was of digital technologies in shaping the way people live and experience what surrounds them I decided to investigate how these technologies were…


I have criticised common conceptions and industry practices of ‘user-centered’ design on this blog in the past, for example here. However, having now worked alongside designers, project managers, business analysts and executives and having experienced the approaches and processes in the field of UX first hand, I have come to…

Understanding the work of visual representations in circulating information and data: The example of Powerpoint

It is often said that we live in a ‘knowledge economy’ or ‘knowledge society’. While it is commonly understood that making sense and understanding vast quantities of data is essential to the work of such an economy, the role of representations and visualizations is often understated or ignored. The assumption…

What do we really mean when we say ‘user-centered’ design?

While I was writing an essay on the question "How is the user as a person differently constituted within the fields of HCI and Anthropology" I realized that from an anthropological perspective the industry's view of 'user-centered' design is in many ways a pretty misleading idea. I stumbled upon a…

What the Digital entails: Some Misconceptions

Some helpful notes on common misconceptions that should be avoided (or at least reviewed) when talking about the use, implications, effects or consequences of digital technologies. The virtual/real divide In his ethnography of Second Life, Boellstorff has shown that the dichotomy between virtual and real is not very useful: Someone…

An Ethnography of Reddit: Some thoughts

Here are some thought on a possible ethnography of Reddit. Some of these questions do not only relate to the specific case of Reddit but could also be asked more generally for other online ethnographies. What is reddit and how does it work? The idea of reddit is simple: Users…